Monday, January 26, 2009

Kerosene Lamp

This is an image I took in my back yard. I changed the saturation, sharpness, and temperature because I thought it would make the image much more interesting.


  1. I was attracted to this photograph solely because of the color. The blue is beautiful and gradiates nicely. Blue was a good choice to evoke the feeling of winter. I also really like the idea behind the shot but it's not quite there. With such a simply subject, angle and composition are crucial. The lamp is not quite centered, nor is it following the rule of thirds. I think it would have worked best if you had centered it, in the top one third, and maybe had taken the shot from a closer point of view or more on-the-ground angle. Just some things to think about..because this shot holds a lot of potential and had you done a few things differently, it would have really been powerful. Just keep it up.

  2. I am not sure I agree with Larl...sometimes rules like r.o.thirds or centering need to be broken. I rather like the lamp there as it causes a bit of tension with the frame. In such a simple composition that tension is important. Also the fact that it is really close but not quite centered is important as that causes a bit of tension as well. To me this positioning along with the darker edges of the image give it a bit of a creepy feeling and made me pay attention. One possible improvement to the composition...for me, maybe, would be to have the footsteps come at the lamp diagonally from the bottom right. This however might change the story you are wanting to present. All in all good first post. Keep them coming Conner.
